Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerves and Focal Neuropathies-2nd Edition-Hardcover Book

Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerves and Focal Neuropathies-2nd Edition-Hardcover Book


Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerves and Focal Neuropathies-2nd Edition-Hardcover Book



Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerves and Focal Neuropathies-2nd Edition-Hardcover Book

  • Utilizes a "how-to" skills approach for imaging peripheral nerves with ultrasound and understanding anatomic, clinical, electrodiagnostic, and imaging considerations for focal neuropathies
  • Thoroughly revised and updated Second Edition
  • New chapters on imaging muscle and ultrasound-guided procedure
  • Introduces ultra-high frequency imaging with many new sections covering less commonly scanned and smaller nerves
  • Incorporates brand new clinical cases throughout to survey an array of disorders and conditions including an extended series on foot drop
  • Includes hundreds of detailed anatomical drawings and state-of-the-art images with corresponding videos online
  • New audiovisual EMG waveforms provided by Ernest W. Johnson, MD
  • Purchase includes digital access for use on most mobile devices or computers


Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerves and Focal Neuropathies thoroughly updated and expanded second edition continues to be the singular reference for comprehensive clinical instruction in the use of high-frequency ultrasound for assessing peripheral nerves and their disorders, particularly focal neuropathies. Revised to integrate current advances in the field, new applications, and next-generation equipment, this top of the line text uses a "how-to" approach to describe clinical evaluation, inclusive of both normal and pathological findings with discussions of relevant non-neurologic tissue. The book begins with a review in ultrasound physics, instrumentation, image optimization, and anatomy before presenting a highly visual tour through multiple nerves of the neck, shoulder, and upper and lower limbs with new chapters on the evaluation of muscle and ultrasound guided principles. Anatomical chapters have been substantially updated to feature additional nerves and advanced concepts with updated drawings and unprecedented visualization of smaller nerve segments captured by cutting-edge equipment. Chapters include clinical cases unique to this edition that demonstrate the use of ultrasound in conjunction with clinical and electrophysiologic assessment to optimize diagnosis. In-text video callouts directly connect chapter content to over 430 detailed video examinations accessible online to better facilitate understanding of the ultrasound image.

Date of Original Release: 12/16/2020

Length: 580 pages

ISBN: 9780826170729

Product Code: UEPN2


  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Electrodiagnostic Assessment of Peripheral Neuropathies
  • Chapter 3: Introduction to High-Frequency Ultrasound
  • Chapter 4: Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerves
  • Chapter 5: Ultrasound Evaluation of Muscle
  • Chapter 6: Evaluation of the Brachial Plexus and Thoracic Outlet
  • Chapter 7: Evaluation of Nerves About the Neck and Shoulder
  • Chapter 8: Evaluation of the Radial Nerve
  • Chapter 9: Evaluation of the Median Nerve
  • Chapter 10: Evaluation of the Ulnar Nerve
  • Chapter 11: Evaluation of Nerves About the Hip and Thigh
  • Chapter 12: Evaluation of the Fibular Nerve
  • Chapter 13: Evaluation of the Tibial Nerve
  • Chapter 14: Evaluation of Other Sensory Nerves Around the Leg, Foot, and Ankle
  • Chapter 15: Principles of Ultrasound Guided Procedures
  • Chapter 16: Ultrasound in Generalized Neuromuscular Conditions
  • Chapter 17: Innovations and Future Directions for Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound


The definitive reference on peripheral nerve ultrasound and focal neuropathies, this practical text and atlas is the prime resource for neurologists, physiatrists, radiologists, sports medicine physicians, and other providers seeking to combine ultrasound with electrodiagnosis for entrapments of the upper and lower limbs.


GulfCoast Ultrasound Institute

Jeffrey Strakowski  MD

Clinical Professor, Dept. of PM&R
The Ohio State University
Associate Director of Medical Education,
Dept. of PM&R. at OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital
Columbus, Ohio.
GUI QI Task Force Subcommittee
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Content Validation
All presentations for this CME activity were reviewed and approved by members of the GUI CME Review Committee to determine content validity and to ensure that no conflicts of interest exist prior to the activity commencement or material compilation.

Disclosure of Individuals in Control of Content
In addition to the faculty listed the following individuals are recognized by GUI as being in control of content of this program:

James Mateer, MD, RDMS (Medical Director - planner, QI Task Force)
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute
Milwaukee, WI
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Charlotte Derr, MD, RDMS, FACEP (Co-Medical Director-planner, QI Task Force)
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine &
Fellowship Director of Emergency Medicine
Ultrasound Fellowship Program
University of South Florida Medical School
Tampa, FL
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Andreas Dewitz, MD, RDMS(Member of Advisory Board, QI Task Force Subcommittee)
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Vice Chair of Ultrasound Education
Boston Medical Center Boston, MA
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Lori Green, BA, RT, RDMS, RDCS, RVT (Program Director-planner, Content Reviewer, QI Task Force)
President, Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute, Inc.
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Trisha Reo, AAS, RDMS, RVT (Program Coordinator - planner, Content Reviewer, QI Task Force)
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute, Inc.
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Disclosure of Commercial Support
There was no commercial support involved in the planning, development/implementation of this activity.


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