Pediatric Emergency & Critical Care and Ultrasound- 1st Ed.- Hardcover Book

Pediatric Emergency & Critical Care and Ultrasound- 1st Ed.- Hardcover Book


Pediatric Emergency & Critical Care and Ultrasound- 1st Ed.- Hardcover Book



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Pediatric Emergency & Critical Care and Ultrasound- 1st Ed.- Hardcover Book

The first comprehensive textbook for pediatric bedside ultrasound


The first comprehensive bedside ultrasonography resource focusing on pediatric patients, Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound explains the principles of ultrasound, its diagnostic application in all organ systems and its use as a procedural adjunct. Essential reading for pediatric emergency physicians, adult emergency physicians, intensivists/critical care physicians and pediatricians.

Emergency bedside ultrasound assessment is well established for adult patients, but has only recently been introduced into everyday clinical practice for the care of pediatric patients. Pediatric Emergency Critical Care and Ultrasound is a concise, practical text which explains the principles of ultrasound, its diagnostic application in all organ systems and its use as a procedural adjunct. Both well-established and innovative applications are described, assisting the practitioner in incorporating ultrasound into daily practice, facilitating patient care and decreasing radiation exposure. Case studies and abundant illustrations enable the reader to study the appropriate techniques in detail and learn from real examples from the pediatric emergency department and intensive care unit. Pediatric Emergency Critical Care and Ultrasound is the first comprehensive bedside ultrasonography resource focusing on pediatric patients and is essential reading not only for pediatric emergency medicine subspecialists but for all emergency physicians, intensivists/critical care physicians and pediatricians. The first comprehensive textbook for pediatric bedside ultrasound

  • Illustrations and images depict techniques, facilitating learning of bedside ultrasonography
  • Case studies describe common pediatric-specific applications, enabling learning from examples of real pediatric patients
  • Written and edited by world-renowned experts and pioneers in both emergency ultrasound and pediatric emergency ultrasound

Date of Original Release: 11/30/2013

Length: 367 pages

ISBN: 9781107062344

Product Code: PECU1


GulfCoast Ultrasound Institute

Stephanie Doniger  MD, RDMS, FAAP, FACEP

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician.
Brooklyn, NY.
GUI QI Task Force Subcommittee
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Content Validation
All presentations for this CME activity were reviewed and approved by members of the GUI CME Review Committee to determine content validity and to ensure that no conflicts of interest exist prior to the activity commencement or material compilation.

Disclosure of Individuals in Control of Content
In addition to the faculty listed the following individuals are recognized by GUI as being in control of content of this program:

James Mateer, MD, RDMS (Medical Director - planner, QI Task Force)
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute
Milwaukee, WI
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Charlotte Derr, MD, RDMS, FACEP (Co-Medical Director-planner, QI Task Force)
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine &
Fellowship Director of Emergency Medicine
Ultrasound Fellowship Program
University of South Florida Medical School
Tampa, FL
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Andreas Dewitz, MD, RDMS(Member of Advisory Board, QI Task Force Subcommittee)
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Vice Chair of Ultrasound Education
Boston Medical Center Boston, MA
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Lori Green, BA, RT, RDMS, RDCS, RVT (Program Director-planner, Content Reviewer, QI Task Force)
President, Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute, Inc.
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Disclosure of Commercial Support
There was no commercial support involved in the planning, development/implementation of this activity.


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