July 10, 2024

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Physical Therapy: Improving Practice

Written by: Trisha Reo AAS, RDMS, RVT

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Physical Therapy: Improving Practice

According to a recent article published in the Osteopathic Physical Therapy journal, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (MSKUS) has proven to be a safer, more effective, economical, and accurate modality compared to X-ray, MRI, and CT for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic neuromuscular conditions. Additionally, “ultrasound-guided needling may also be a safer, more effective, and precise intervention for the treatment of some musculoskeletal conditions compared with manual palpation-guided needling interventions”

In 2017, the American Institute of Medicine (AIUM) and the Alliance for Physician Certification & Advancement (APCA) added physical therapists to the list of healthcare professionals (MD, DO, DDS, DC, PT, NP, PA) who are qualified to “evaluate and interpret diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound examinations”, and therefore eligible to earn the Registered Musculoskeletal Sonography Certification (RMSK).

In cooperation with the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), the AIUM and APCA are working to expand the expert utilization of diagnostic ultrasound in physical therapy practice. An integral part of this is education and training to provide opportunities to advance proficiency in the performance of MSKUS. While didactic education is an important part of the education and training pathway, it is critical to also participate in hands-on skills training. MSKUS requires a great deal of practice to not only perform but also interpret what you are seeing. A skill of this caliber cannot be merely ascertained by reading articles. Practice on standardized patient models (diagnostic) and inanimate phantoms or cadaveric specimens (interventional) under the observation of expert instructors with real-time formative feedback will provide the highest quality opportunity to advance proficiency. Followed by on-going clinical practice, one will see improvement in both the performance and interpretation of diagnostic and interventional MSKUS.

At Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute, we have 39 years of experience in the education and training of ultrasound across multiple practice specialties. Our team understands the unique challenges involved with mastering MSKUS and we work tirelessly to ensure our programs result in proficiency and competency for the participants attending. Through a blend of didactic lectures, live scanning demonstrations, robust hands-on scanning sessions with a 3:1 instructor to participant ratio, and expert faculty in specialty backgrounds including sports medicine, orthopedics, PM & R, radiology, rheumatology, physical therapy, and chiropractic medicine, our MSK programs are proven to improve confidence and competence in MSKUS.

Join us for an upcoming Musculoskeletal Ultrasound course and experience the Gulfcoast Ultrasound difference in education and training. Click the link below to register or call us at 727-363-4500.

Also, check out our podcast, The Sonography Lounge, to listen to the personal experience of Charles Stevens, DPT and how he successfully earned his RMSK credential and integrated MSKUS into his clinical practice. 

   Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Courses


About the Author

Trisha Reo AAS, RDMS, RVT

Trisha is the Program Coordinator at Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute, Inc.

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