Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound and EMG Course Pack

Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound and EMG Course Pack


Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound and EMG Course Pack

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Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound and EMG Course Pack

Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound and EMG Online Video Course Pack includes 11 Online Videos covering; Peripheral Nerve Sonography: Introductory Ultrasound and EMG Concepts, Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Brachial Plexus, Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Neck and Shoulder Nerves, Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Radial Nerve, Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Median Nerve, Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Ulnar Nerve, Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Fibular Nerve, Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Tibial Nerve, Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Nerves About the Hip and Thigh, Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of Other Nerves About the Leg, Foot and Ankle, Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Nerve Procedures. All Course Packs are discounted 10% off the total price.

Peripheral Nerve Sonography: Introductory Ultrasound and EMG Concepts

Peripheral Nerve Sonography: Introductory Ultrasound and EMG Concepts online video lecture is designed to provide a comprehensive basis and approach for the use of ultrasound and electrophysiologic techniques for the assessment of the peripheral nervous system and peripheral nerve disorders. The presentation is structured to review the appropriate elements of the clinical and electrophysiologic evaluation. It also reviews the fundamentals of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular ultrasound including ultrasound physics and image acquisition and optimization, ultrasound instrumentation scanning techniques, and both normal and abnormal sonographic characteristics of nerves, muscles, and other anatomic tissues. There is a detailed and comprehensive description of the approach to successfully image peripheral nerves and their disorders.

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Brachial Plexus

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Brachial Plexus Online Video is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to the use of ultrasound for the assessment of the brachial plexus. The presentation is structured to review the brachial plexus anatomy, clinical assessment, the relative value and technical approach of routine electrophysiologic techniques, scanning techniques, and image optimization with ultrasound. In addition, the clinical basis for utilizing ultrasound for brachial plexus assessment, and both normal / abnormal sonographic characteristics of the nerves, muscles, and other related anatomy will be included

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Neck and Shoulder Nerves

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Neck and Shoulder Nerves Online Video is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to the use of ultrasound for the assessment of nerves around the neck and shoulder. The presentation is structured to review the nerve anatomy, clinical assessment, the relative value, and technical approach of routine electrophysiologic techniques, scanning techniques, and image optimization with ultrasound. In addition, the clinical basis for utilizing ultrasound for assessment, and both normal and abnormal sonographic characteristics of the nerves, muscles, and other related anatomy is included.

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Radial Nerve

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Radial Nerve Online Video is designed to review the anatomy, scan techniques, normal nerve ultrasound characteristics, and diagnostic criteria for evaluating peripheral nerve abnormalities.

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Median Nerve

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Median Nerve Online Video is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to the use of ultrasound for the assessment of the median nerve and carpal tunnel. The presentation is structured to review the nerve anatomy, clinical assessment, the relative value and technical approach of routine electrophysiologic techniques, scanning techniques, and image optimization with ultrasound. In addition, the clinical basis for utilizing ultrasound for assessment of both normal / abnormal sonographic characteristics of the nerves, muscles, and other related anatomy is included.

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Ulnar Nerve

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Ulnar Nerve Online Video is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to the use of ultrasound for the assessment of the ulnar nerve and ulnar neuropathy at the elbow and other locations. The presentation is structured to review the nerve anatomy, clinical assessment, the relative value, and technical approach of routine electrophysiologic techniques, scanning techniques, and image optimization with ultrasound. In addition, the clinical basis for utilizing ultrasound for assessment of both normal / abnormal sonographic characteristics of the nerves, muscles, and other related anatomy is included.

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Fibular Nerve

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Fibular Nerve Online Video is designed to provide an introduction to fibular nerve anatomy and function, electrophysiology techniques, scan protocols, and normal and abnormal characteristics of the fibular nerve and its branches.

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Tibial Nerve

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Tibial Nerve Online Video lecture is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to the use of ultrasound for the assessment of the tibial nerve and tibial neuropathy at the tarsal tunnel and other locations. The presentation is structured to review the nerve anatomy, clinical assessment, the relative value, and technical approach of routine electrophysiologic techniques, scanning techniques, and image optimization with ultrasound. In addition, the clinical basis for utilizing ultrasound for assessment of both normal / abnormal sonographic characteristics of the nerves, muscles, and other related anatomy is included

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Nerves About the Hip and Thigh

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Nerves About the Hip and Thigh Online Video is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to the use of ultrasound for the assessment of many nerves around the region of the hip. Included in the discussion are the iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves, as well as the lateral and posterior cutaneous nerves of the thigh, femoral nerve, obturator nerve, sciatic nerve, and gluteal nerves. The presentation is structured to review the nerve anatomy, the relative value and technical approach of routine electrophysiologic techniques, scanning techniques, and image optimization with ultrasound. In addition, the clinical basis for utilizing ultrasound for assessment of both normal / abnormal sonographic characteristics of the nerves, muscles, and other related anatomy is included.

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of Other Nerves About the Leg, Foot and Ankle

Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of Other Nerves About the Leg, Foot and Ankle Online Video is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to the use of ultrasound for the assessment of Other Nerves About the Leg, Foot and Ankle. The presentation is structured to review the nerve anatomy, clinical assessment, the relative value and technical approach of routine electrophysiologic techniques, scanning techniques, and image optimization with ultrasound. In addition, the clinical basis for utilizing ultrasound for assessment of both normal / abnormal sonographic characteristics of the nerves, muscles, and other related anatomy is included.

Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Nerve Procedures

Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Nerve Procedures Online Video is designed to introduce scan techniques and protocols for performing ultrasound guided peripheral nerve injections. It reviews technical considerations for performing safe and effective injections including tips on needle guidance and image optimization.


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