Bedside Ultrasonography in Clinical Medicine - Hardcover Book

Bedside Ultrasonography in Clinical Medicine - Hardcover Book


Bedside Ultrasonography in Clinical Medicine - Hardcover Book



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Bedside Ultrasonography in Clinical Medicine - Hardcover Book

The first complete guide to the use of ultrasound in clinical medicine

Endorsed by the American College of Physicians!

Bedside Ultrasonography in Clinical Medicine offers the first all-inclusive, yet concise review of the optimal use and interpretation of ultrasonographic images in everyday practice. With this how-to guide, you'll learn how to systematically apply diagnostic ultrasound as part of an augmented physical examination in an array of therapeutic areas, from obstetrics and cardiology to emergency medicine.

The book begins with a high-yield overview of the basic principles and physics of ultrasound, while subsequent chapters cover its use in evaluating the organs of the head and neck; the chest, abdomen, and pelvis; and the limbs and musculoskeletal system. A final section considers the integration of portable ultrasound into the medical school curriculum--as well as graduate medical education--and charts the dynamic future of beside ultrasound as a diagnostic and screening tool.



Bedside Ultrasonography in Clinical Medicine | Textbook | Alexander Levitov | The book begins with a high-yield overview of the basic principles and physics of ultrasound, while subsequent chapters cover its use in evaluating the organs of the head and neck; the chest, abdomen, and pelvis; and the limbs and musculoskeletal system. A final section considers the integration of portable ultrasound into the medical school curriculum--as well as graduate medical education--and charts the dynamic future of beside ultrasound as a diagnostic and screening tool.

Date of Original Release: 8/1/2010

Length: 316 pages

ISBN: 9780071663311

Product Code: BUCM


GulfCoast Ultrasound Institute

Anthony D. Slonim  MD, DrPH

Vice President, Medical Affairs. Attending Physician. Professor, Departments of Basic Sciences. Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics. Virginia-Tech-Carilion School of Medicine. Roanoka, VA.
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

GulfCoast Ultrasound Institute

Apostolos P. Dallas  MD, FACP

Attending Physician, Carilion Medical Center
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Virginia-Tech-Carilion School of Medicine. Roanoke, VA.
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

GulfCoast Ultrasound Institute

Alexander Levitov  MD, FACCP, FACCM, RDCS

Eastern VA Medical School.
Dept. of Internal Medicine.
Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, Norfolk, VA.
GUI QI Task Force Committee
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Content Validation
All presentations for this CME activity were reviewed and approved by members of the GUI CME Review Committee to determine content validity and to ensure that no conflicts of interest exist prior to the activity commencement or material compilation.

Disclosure of Individuals in Control of Content
In addition to the faculty listed the following individuals are recognized by GUI as being in control of content of this program:

James Mateer, MD, RDMS (Medical Director - planner, QI Task Force)
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute
Milwaukee, WI
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Charlotte Derr, MD, RDMS, FACEP (Co-Medical Director-planner, QI Task Force)
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine &
Fellowship Director of Emergency Medicine
Ultrasound Fellowship Program
University of South Florida Medical School
Tampa, FL
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Andreas Dewitz, MD, RDMS(Member of Advisory Board, QI Task Force Subcommittee)
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Vice Chair of Ultrasound Education
Boston Medical Center Boston, MA
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Lori Green, BA, RT, RDMS, RDCS, RVT (Program Director-planner, Content Reviewer, QI Task Force)
President, Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute, Inc.
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Disclosure of Commercial Support
There was no commercial support involved in the planning, development/implementation of this activity.


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