Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) / Physics Registry Review - Gold Package

Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) / Physics Registry Review - Gold Package


Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) / Physics Registry Review - Gold Package

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Product Code: PASS-GP-RRSPI

Product ID: 2835

Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) / Physics Registry Review - Gold Package

Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) / Physics Registry Review - Gold Package is the ultimate study package for those looking to pass their ARDMS SPI / Physics board examination. The package includes the comprehensive Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Registry Review Workbook, Online Mock Exam, Flashcards and 12 months access to the Online Registry Review course! If you are looking to pass your exam on the first attempt, the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) / Physics Registry Review - Gold Package is the perfect study package for you.

The ultrasound industry is an exciting, opportunity filled market. By taking the steps towards certification you prove to yourself and employers that you have the competence and drive it takes to make a difference. The more certifications you hold, the more marketable you are. Whether you use your certification as a career catalyst to improve patient care, equipment sales, education, marketing, mobile ultrasound or research you can feel confident in the fact you are a certified professional in the field.

NEW!: This Registry Review Package comes with a FREE Study Guide.

Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) / Physics Registry Review - Gold Package includes...

**NEW** Exclusive Access to GCUS' 90 Day Challenge Facebook Group

Physics-Sonography Principles & Instrumentation Registry Review

Physics-Sonography Principles & Instrumentation Registry Review Virtual Online Course is designed to provide a comprehensive review of sonography principles and instrumentation for those individuals preparing to take the ARDMS, APCA, ASRT, or CCI ultrasound certification examinations.

The Physics-Sonography Principles & Instrumentation Registry Review Online Course is also helpful for those who need a refresher pertaining to ultrasound physics to improve competence to perform and interpret ultrasound examinations.

Additionally, the GCUS Registry Review PASS Guarantee offers you access to the online course version of your registry review program for an additional 90 days if you do not pass your registry exam after completing one of our review programs. Just send us a copy of your exam score (registry exam must be taken within six months of our review) and we’ll grant you a 90 day access extension to the online course version of the review.

ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Registry Review Workbook, 5th Edition

ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Registry Review Workbook is the perfect workbook to prepare for your SPI Ultrasound boards. The ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principle and Instrumentation Registry Review Workbook is available in both physical and digital formats that provides a comprehensive review of the information needed to successfully pass the SPI Registry Examinations.

The ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Registry Review Workbook provides comprehensive written and narrated formats based on the ARDMS examination content outlines. The ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Registry Review Workbook- 5th Edition includes 181 pages, self-tests, and media that can be played on both personal computers and mobile devices

ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principles & Instrumentation Interactive Registry Review Online Mock Exam

ULTRA P.A.S.S (Preparation Agenda for Study Success) Sonography Principles & Instrumentation/Physics Mock Exam is available in an interactive Online Exam (Mac & PC). The Sonography Principles & Instrumentation/Physics Mock Exam is an excellent self-assessment tool for the medical professional preparing to take the Sonography Principles & Instrumentation/Physics registry examination, or for the educator who has a desire to enhance their current registry review curriculum.
The questions posed in the ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principles & Instrumentation/Physics Mock Exam are based on current registry examination content outlines and are presented in a similar format. The Sonography Principles & Instrumentation/Physics Mock Exam includes both an exam mode and a study mode. In the Exam Mode, you will be able to demonstrate your subject knowledge in a timed setting mirroring the actual registry setting. Questions and answers are randomized each time the quiz is taken. The Study mode is an untimed exam format that provides feedback regarding the correct answer along with an explanation and reference for majority of questions to enhance the learning experience. This comprehensive ultrasound registry review mock exam contains 400 questions relating to Sonography Principles & Instrumentation/Physics.

ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) Registry Review Flashcards

ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Flashcards are designed based upon qualified requests from the medical community, expanding utilization of ultrasound, and laboratory accreditation/certification requirements.

The ULTRA P.A.S.S. Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Flashcards contain 403 questions (including assorted images and diagrams) designed after the actual registry format, and provides a method of final testing to determine the areas of weakness that may require further study, while at the same time reinforcing the material with which you are already comfortable. The physical decks measure 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 for convenient carrying, have space on each card for personal notes, and have two removable fastener rings to allow the decks to be shuffled to change question order.

Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Registry Review Study Guide

ULTRA P.A.S.S. Physics / Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Registry Review Study Guide is the perfect compliment to either your Gold or Silver Package purchase. The ULTRA P.A.S.S. Physics / Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Registry Review Study Guide is designed around the recommended GCUS 90 Day Registry Preparation Plan, but is also completely customizable to meet your specific registry review needs. This study guide takes the guesswork out of organizing your time during exam preparation. The week-by-week guide outlines the content you need to focus on, including outlining which materials to utilize and in which order to utilize them to maximize the effectiveness of your exam preparation. This value-added study guide, a GCUS exclusive product, also includes helpful information such as links to the credentialing organizations and how to maintain your credential once earned.

NOTE: Online Packages only come with a downloadable, digital version of the study guide. Physical Packages come with a downloadable, digital version of the study guide AND print version.


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