Midwife Sonography Certificate Review - Online Course

Midwife Sonography Certificate Review


Midwife Sonography Certificate Review

Midwife Sonography Certificate Review

  • 12 months UNLIMITED access from your computer, tablet or phone. No lockouts, or hidden limitations after a certain amount of views.
  • A variety of learning components including: video lectures, scan demonstrations, interactive components/quizzes, and more to improve diagnostic accuracy.
  • All online courses cover the same topics as our comprehensive live courses. Add a Hands-On Workshop (Not Valid for Registry Reviews) and receive 3 additional months of access. See our Blended Course Learning Format for more details.
  • Group pricing is available for groups of 5 or more (Not Valid for Registry Reviews). Add a Custom Onsite Hands-On Workshop for training consistency, time and cost effectiveness, with the highest quality ultrasound training in the industry.
  • Private Hands-On Workshops are also available for the learner who prefers the 1-1 learning format. Receive 3 additional months of unlimited online access (Not Valid for Registry Reviews) with a Private Hands-On Course. See our Private Hands-On Course Learning Format for more details.


Midwife Sonography Certificate Review Online Course is designed for nurse midwives who are preparing to take the ARDMS midwifery focused examination. It is also beneficial for OB-GYN physicians who need a review of OB-GYN ultrasound techniques and/or to ensure the ultrasound practice protocols implemented are consistent with published guidelines for physicians and midwife practitioners.

Additionally, the GCUS Registry Review PASS Guarantee offers you access to the online course version of your registry review program for an additional 90 days if you do not pass your registry exam after completing one of our review programs. Just send us a copy of your exam score (registry exam must be taken within six months of our review) and we’ll grant you a 90-day access extension to the online course version of the review.

Date of Original Release: 2/13/2023

  1 year/365 days of Unlimited Access from date of purchase. Expires on 3/3/2026 if purchased today.

Code: OC-MWS231
ID: 6191


  • Pelvic Anatomy & Physiology and Sonographic Evaluation
  • Uterine Anomalies
  • GYN Pathology: Uterine
  • GYN Pathology: Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, and Adnexal
  • Early Pregnancy, Contraception & Infertility
  • First Trimester OB: Reproductive Physiology, Measurements, Pathology
  • Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
  • Practice Exam 1
  • 2nd & 3rd Trimesters: Fetal Age Assessment/Measurements, Ultrasound of Fetal Brain
  • Ultrasound Evaluation of the Placenta and Umbilical Cord, and Amniotic Fluid
  • Ultrasound Evaluation of: Multiple Gestations, Maternal Complications, Fetal Complications, and 3D Ultrasound
  • Practice Exam 2
  • Essentials of Diagnostic Ultrasound
  • Physical Principles
  • Transducers
  • Practice Exam-Physics
  • Imaging Principles & Instrumentation Part II: Bioeffects, Artifacts, Quality Assurance, New Technologies
  • Practice Exam


  • Increase knowledge and competence for successful ultrasound registry examination completion.
  • Outline routine scan protocols & measurements for performing transabdominal and endovaginal GYN scanning.
  • State the normal and abnormal imaging characteristics of the ovaries and uterus and differentiate commonly seen pathology seen in premenarchal, postmenarchal, and post-menopausal patients.
  • Outline first trimester normal reproductive physiology and identify normal anatomy.
  • List first trimester complications and associated ultrasound findings.
  • Perform 2nd and 3rd trimester measurement techniques.
  • Identify normal and abnormal fetal anatomy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters in each of the fetal body systems.
  • State coexisting disorders affecting pregnancy.
  • State the elementary principles of ultrasound including definition of ultrasound, basic properties, and units of measure.
  • Describe the fundamental principles of sound and the propagation of sound in soft tissue.
  • Recognize the different types of transducers.
  • Describe focusing, sound beam formation, and the types of resolution including axial and lateral.
  • Recognize components and terminology of ultrasound equipment and instrumentation.
  • Differentiate imaging artifacts by their cause and characteristic appearance.
  • Outline safety, quality control, quality assurance and bio-effects concerns regarding operation and maintenance of ultrasound equipment.
  • Identify areas of weakness that require additional self-study for successful exam completion.
  • Implement scan protocols and diagnostic criteria into clinical practice based on published inter-professional ultrasound guidelines and certification exam outlines. (ACNM, AIUM, ARDMS).


Registration: $390.00

(12 Months Unlimited Access)


Any nurse midwife who is preparing to take the ARDMS Midwife Sonography Certificate exam. Physicians who need a comprehensive review to increase knowledge and competence and to integrate consistent protocols that meet inter-professional guidelines into clinical practice. Physician participants may include OB-GYN, Primary Care, and Family Practice.


GulfCoast Ultrasound Institute

Emily M. Downs  M.Ed, BS, RDMS, RVT, RDCS, RT

University of Colorado Hospital.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program of Denver
Denver, CO
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

GulfCoast Ultrasound Institute

Bryan Dodd  M.Ed, RDMS, RVT, RT(R)

Program Director, Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Gateway Community College
Phoenix, AZ.
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

GulfCoast Ultrasound Institute

Jane JK Burns  AS, RT, RDMS (OB/Gyn, FE, Abd)

MFM Ultrasound Manager/Educator
Houston, TX
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Content Validation
All presentations for this CME activity were reviewed and approved by members of the GUI CME Review Committee to determine content validity and to ensure that no conflicts of interest exist prior to the activity commencement or material compilation.

Disclosure of Individuals in Control of Content
In addition to the faculty listed the following individuals are recognized by GUI as being in control of content of this program:

James Mateer, MD, RDMS (Medical Director - planner, QI Task Force)
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute
Milwaukee, WI
No relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Charlotte Derr, MD, RDMS, FACEP (Co-Medical Director-planner, QI Task Force)
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine &
Fellowship Director of Emergency Medicine
Ultrasound Fellowship Program
University of South Florida Medical School
Tampa, FL
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Andreas Dewitz, MD, RDMS(Member of Advisory Board, QI Task Force Subcommittee)
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Vice Chair of Ultrasound Education
Boston Medical Center Boston, MA
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Lori Green, BA, RT, RDMS, RDCS, RVT (Program Director-planner, Content Reviewer, QI Task Force)
President, Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute, Inc.
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Trisha Reo, AAS, RDMS, RVT (Program Coordinator - planner, Content Reviewer, QI Task Force)
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute, Inc.
No relevant financial relationships to disclose

Disclosure of Commercial Support
There was no commercial support involved in the planning, development/implementation of this activity.



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