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Product Code: CP-CCS
Product ID: 4323
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The Cardiac Case Series Course Pack includes 3 Online Videos covering: Interesting Cardiac Ultrasound Case Studies, Cardiac Case Study Series: Cardiac Masses, Cardiac Case Study Series: Cardiomyopathies. All Course Packs are discounted 10% off the total price.
Interesting Cardiac Case Studies Online Video provides a variety of intriguing cases in echocardiography. The cases shown are common, uncommon, and complicated pathologies that demonstrate how the echo assessment can have a tremendous impact on patient management and outcomes
Cardiac Case Study Series: Cardiac Masses Online Video is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the various types of cardiac primary and non-primary masses in a case-based format.
Cardiac Case Study Series: Cardiomyopathies Online Video is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the various types of cardiomyopathies in a case-based format.
Cardiac Case Study Series: Valvular Disease Online Video is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the echocardiographic assessment of common valvular pathologies in a case-based format.
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